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Liberdade, Igualdade e Fraternidade... Não era este o lema dos francius?

“Os deputados franceses adotaram [sic] hoje um projecto de lei que prevê um ano de prisão para quem negar o genocídio arménio pelos otomanos na Guerra Mundial I, uma iniciativa que causou irritação na Turquia e advertências sobre eventuais represálias económicas”.
Diário Digital, 12-10-2006

Pois é... nas sociedades ditas democráticas sucedem-se, sob as mais diversas formas, os atentados à liberdade de expressão.
Tudo em nome da democracia, claro está...

12 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

A esses (que negam a existência da PIDE DGS), a pena era uma pinha pelo cu acima (aberta)

Anónimo disse...

a pide nunca existiu

Anónimo disse...

Cala e come..

Anónimo disse...

Well the Shit hit the fan today.

The blogosphere was hit by a splogbomb. Someone did the inevitable and wrote a script that created blog after blog and post after post.

Im not talking 100 blogs with a 100 posts each. Im talking what could easily turn into 10s of THOUSANDS of blogs pinging out millions of posts !

Do a search for HDNet on or any of the other engines and look at all the Splogs there are. And they have URLs like this So google, at least for the time being, we shut out adding new blogspot posts to our index until we clean all the bullshit you dumped on us out of our indexes. We will turn them on once our filters are in place, which hopefully will be tomorrowSo google, at least for the time being, we shut out adding new blogspot posts to our index until we clean all the bullshit you dumped on us out of our indexes. We will turn them on once we update our filters to resolve this fine mess you got us into , which hopefully will be tomorrow

I apologize in advance to real bloggers whose post might not make it in as quickly as before. We wont lose your posts. They are just going to be delayed.

I also apologize in advance if someones blog or posts got filtered out in our effort to deal with Splogs.

So please Google. Add a challenge system. Dump the flag you tried. It was a nice try, but doesnt get the job done. Its not an imposition to ask a blog poster to confirm their post with a link inside an email, or a word confirmation. It may not eradicate the problem, but it will improve the quality of information available in the blogosphere considerably.

Is that too much to ask ?

And one more point about splogs and the blogs. There is a reason why you dont see list the number of blogs and posts on our site Because no splog filter is perfect, which makes the number pretty bogus.

The same applies to people who evaluate the quality of a blog search engine by the number of posts returned. In actuality, a higher number probably means poor splog filtering, not better indexing.

Anónimo disse...

Ehe láá!!!

Anónimo disse...


Anónimo disse...

É zulmiro estava á espera que o teu blog fosse uma merda tipo brutus ou todo bêbado e vomitado, registo diametralmente igual, mas não, surpreendeste-me.
os gaijos deste blog deviam convidar-te para escreveres aqui, boa nota e continua que estou a curtir

Anónimo disse...

Que grande alarido por umas gramas.

Anónimo disse...

Assobiar para o lado!

Anónimo disse...

Os donos dos bares e restaurantes da costa figueirense têm 15 dias para dar de abalada. Mas o gajo do Bar Costa ainda não é desta. Pois claro, depois onde é que mui ilustre Duarte Sulva vai almoçar?

Anónimo disse...

Inevitable is right. There are so many vulnerabilities in Media 2.0 applications that our heads are spinning trying to decide the best 10 to exploit.

The problem? People are not designing systems with the black hat / spammer in mind. It’s like setting a democracy and saying “vote as often as you like.” WTF do you think is going to happen?

On days like today, I realize I should be charging $20k per day consulting for recently funded Media 2.0 companies. The current incarnations of some of the most popular (and well funded) new services are doomed to failure because of a lack of forethought about how people like us will game their systems. Their only hope is to be bought out by GAMEY (Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Ebay, Yahoo) before their exploits become overly abused.

We in the BlackHat community often throttle how abusive we are on certain exploits. Part of the min/max game is knowing how hard you can ride an exploit before you break the underlying application.

Gandarro disse...

piratas da perna de pau? ou do pincho?